Browsing Father's Corner

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Posted by Eric Yow on 5/26/24

“Go, Therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”  This line from our Gospel this weekend is one of the most quoted and well known scriptures there is.  In fact every time that the ... Read More »

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Eric Yow on 1/21/24

Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men!” In our Gospel reading this weekend, Jesus calls Simon and Andrew from the shore and gives them this great mission, to become “fishers of men.” How great would it be for God to call you to a specific ... Read More »

The Epiphany of the Lord

Posted by Eric Yow on 1/06/24

Traditionally celebrated on January 6th, or the first Sunday after Holy Family, this Feast celebrates the culmination of the Christmas season by Christ being made known to the Gentiles through the visitation, primarily, of the Magi/Three Kings/Wise men. There is a common held tradition that on the feast of ... Read More »


Posted by Eric Yow on 12/31/23

The following should be made clear:

1. "To bless" originally means in the Scriptures, to praise God. This is the reason that in the formularies for blessings found in the Book of Blessings, there is always an "anamnesis" - a recollection or remembrance of some mercy, favor, or great ... Read More »

4th Sunday of Advent

Posted by Eric Yow on 12/24/23

This week we light the fourth candle of our Advent Wreath, which represents peace. Growing up, there was a song that we would always sing on New Year’s that really brings light to this message of peace. It is called, “Let there be peace on Earth,” and it speaks ... Read More »

3rd Sunday of Advent

Posted by Eric Yow on 12/17/23

Gaudate! Let us rejoice! This third Sunday of Advent is all about the promises that are to be fulfilled by God in the days and years to come. The word Gaudate means to rejoice, and so we should as we pass into the latter parts of the Advent season.

... Read More »

1st Sunday of Advent

Posted by Eric Yow on 12/03/23

First Sunday of Advent Finally it has come! Happy New Year! As Catholics, the first Sunday of Advent, is the beginning of our liturgical year, and therefore today is our “New Year’s day!” The Season of Advent, has always been one of my favorites. Known as a light form ... Read More »

Christ the King Sunday

Posted by Eric Yow on 11/26/23

Today, the Church celebrates the Kingship of Jesus Christ. He is not only the Savior of the Universe, but also the King of the Universe! As the long awaited for Messiah, Christ is also the one true king that the Jewish people longed to follow. As we see from ... Read More »

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Eric Yow on 11/19/23

In today’s Gospel, we have the parable of the talents. The master gives to his servants different numbers of talents, and expects them to use them and multiply them, just as God blesses us in our lives and expects us to magnify His blessings. The first two doubled the ... Read More »

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Posted by Eric Yow on 11/13/23

“Stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” So many times, in life we are caught unaware by things around us. We are focused on what is right in front of us, and it is as if we are wearing blinders to the things around us ... Read More »