The following should be made clear:
1. "To bless" originally means in the Scriptures, to praise God. This is the reason that in the formularies for blessings found in the Book of Blessings, there is always an "anamnesis" - a recollection or remembrance of some mercy, favor, or great deed of God which is the reason for praising him.
2. A blessing can be imparted by bishops, priests, deacons, and even lay persons. Some blessings take the form of liturgy. Other blessings are non-liturgical, which does not mean that they are inefficacious.
3. The Declaration leaves open the possibility that persons in irregular situations such as divorcees, persons living with couples other than their spouses, or even persons convicted of egregious crimes, may ask for a blessing. When a blessing is so imparted, it commends the person to the mercy, love, and saving goodness of God.
4. This declaration was not meant to favor same-sex couples. What is true however is that persons in same-sex unions may request for a blessing - NOT OF THEIR UNION - but of their persons.
5. The declaration is clear that there is to be no fixed formulary. So there will be NO formula for the blessing of same-sex couples, or the blessing of divorcees in the Book of Blessings.
6. The declaration is likewise clear that the blessing should not appear to be an endorsement of the irregular status of the person asking for the blessing, but a commendation of the person blessed to the love, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion of God and imploring his grace to strengthen the individual so blessed so that the life he or she lives may be in accordance with God's will.
7. The document did not say analogically or categorically that
same-sex marriage (the union) should or could be blessed. It only says that everyone could seek God's blessings even people of same-sex and not the marriage or union.
8. The document says that the blessing of marriage (union) does not fall under the liturgical rite of blessings which cannot and must not be compromised.
9. The document retains the traditional and scripture sense that marriage is strictly for two persons of opposite sex (a male and a female).
10. The document is clear to distinguish between liturgical Blessings, Scriptural Blessings, and Theological - Pastoral Blessings. The Pope is only telling us: Do not close the doors to these ‘sick’ brothers and sisters. Perhaps, the mercy of God can still work wonders in their lives!
-Fr. Danny Grover
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