Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

“Go, Therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”  This line from our Gospel this weekend is one of the most quoted and well known scriptures there is.  In fact every time that the water that is used for the Baptism is blessed, we refer to it, reminding us the “Great Commission” given by Christ to the Disciples.  Why then, Two thousand years later, do we not all follow what Christ called for His followers to do?

To be a Disciple of Christ is to unabashedly live one’s faith.  But, in a post-Christian world, that can be rather intimidating at times!  In a world that seeks to belittle Christianity and mock it on a daily basis, to “own” one’s faith and live it without reserve or fear is a life that many see as impossible.  But have faith and courage, brothers and sisters!  For the Lord continues in this Gospel passage by reminding us that He will never abandon us, but “will be with us until the end of the age."

Fear is a very influential thing in our world, and can easily be a trap that we can fall into.  Seek courage from the Lord, and remember that “Fear isn't of the Lord!”  Satan will do anything and everything that he can to try to make us trip.  Remember the Gospel, remember you have been claimed by Christ, and follow the Great Commission and spread the Good News. 

-Fr. Danny Grover



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