In last week’s Gospel, we see Jesus naming Simon Peter as the “rock” of the church based on his proclamation of faith that Jesus truly is the Son of God. This weekend, we see the flaws present in humanity due to sin. Jesus announced to the Disciples what was going to happen to Him; that he would be killed and on the third day that He would rise from the dead. Peter, as any human would when told their best friend is about to suffer, says God forbid that happen. Jesus then rebukes Peter, “get behind me Satan, you are an obstacle to me!”
How many times have we responded like Peter in todays Gospel? God tells his plan and we reject it, and think we know better than the One who created, redeemed, and sanctified us! When we put our wills before that of God, we are falling to the folly of sin and turning against the will and love of God! At first glance, it makes sense for us to never want harm to come to those we love! We love them, so protection of them is key! We forget though, that to carry our cross is to sacrifice, to bare the weight of our burden, or another’s is to love, even when it seems frightening and frivolous! God will never abandon us, and will give us everything we need for salvation! May we choose to embrace His will.
Fr. Danny Grover
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