19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the weekend’s Gospel, we have one of the most iconic scenes in scripture laid out before us. In the midst of a storm, during the fourth watch of the night, Jesus walks on water and approaches the boat that the Apostles are sleeping on. In fear, they see the figure of someone approaching. Jesus, as is his habit, tells them not to be afraid. Peter, as the leader of the Apostles challenges Jesus that if it truly is Him, that he too may be able to walk out on the water.

How many times do we get carried away by our faith? Do we allow faith to lead and guide us, or do we use it as an excuse to do what we think is best? Many times we begin with the best of intentions, as does Peter in todays Gospel. He is attempting to show courage and faith by challenging the Lord, and the Lord is willing to work with him. It isn’t until Peter takes his eyes off of who is leading and guiding him that he begins to seek. And in desperation, like us, Peter cries out to the Lord to save him.

Faith is a two way street. It is first a gift given to us by God! But, as a gift, if not utilized properly, it can become a determent to our growth and to the growth of those around us. May we see in the mistake of Peter in todays gospel, a challenge to us to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord as our strength, our resolve and our guide!

Fr. Danny Grover


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